Women's Simcha Clothing Gemach
Wedding dresses for anyone attending a wedding (not bridal gowns). We are always looking for donations of dresses that are not out dated and in good condition. To make an appointment to see the current selection of available clothing, please call numbers below. |
Gemach #1 Chani Mendlowitz 301-681-3411 Gemach #2 Rise Goldstein 301-681-0860 Maternity Clothing Gemach Elise Cohen 301-946-7444 |
Baby Banz Infant Hearing Protection Earmuff
These Kidz EarBanZ provide hearing protectors provide comfortable hearing protection for infants and children. The Banz hearing protectors effectively attenuate harmful loud noises without shutting out other ambient sounds. |
Simcha Siddur Gemach
Available beginning 1/14/2016. We have 100 pocket-sized hard cover Ashkenaz siddurim available to borrow for your next event or simcha. This gemach is dedicated in memory of David Tovia Kramer, z”l & Sherrie A. Schulman, z”l. Please email the dates you need the siddurim to Adina Moses with Simcha Siddur Gemach in the subject line. She will get back to you within 24 hours with a pick up date, time, and location. A $10 donation to Yad Yehuda is suggested. |
Baltimore Gemachim
Since Baltimore is only a stone throws away from the Greater Washington area, we are including a link to an updated list of Baltmore Gemachim |